Tuesday 3 May 2016

Our Society


Q-What is Society?      


1-   The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.      

2-   An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.         

  Improving Locally
Volunteer. Volunteering with a local charity is a great way to improve the world around you. You'll be able to do the most direct good and see the impact on the people that you help. If you have a practical skill or can learn one, or evening volunteering at the Humane Society in your local neighborhood. using that skill will offer the most good (skills like construction or medicine are good examples).
  • Tutor disadvantaged kids
  • Work at a local soup kitchen
  • Work with a charity like Habitat for Humanity.

Reduce your impact. Another way to really make the world a better place is to reduce the negative impact you have on the world around you. Being good stewards of the world has a significant and positive impact on your environment and helps to preserve the planet for the next generation.
  • Be consistent about recycling.
  • Reduce the waste you produce and compost.
  • Conserve water and grow some of your own food.
  • If you really want to help your local environment, buy and install solar panels for your home and switch to public transit, a bike, or an electric vehicle.
Be civically engaged. Exercise your right to vote. Bad politicians and policies can have an incredibly negative impact on your community and your environment. By not voting and letting your voice be heard, you are allowing opportunity for bad policy to rule. Be engaged in your city, states, and country by voting and talking with the politicians you support, as well as educating others on important issues.

Make a statement with what you buy. With companies, your money talks....so shout as loud as you can! Don't buy products that harm animals or from companies that use abusive tactics with their animals. Whenever you can, buy local products that support the people around you and your local economy. When a company makes poor choices that negatively affect people, stop buying their products.
  • Always, always feel free to contact companies to let them know what you're doing and why! Some, not all, businesses actually care about what their customers want. They'll never know how to change if people don't tell them.

Monday 2 May 2016



City in Pakistan

Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan

Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan It is also the capital of Pakistani province of Sindh. Karachi is the main seaport and financial center of Pakistan.

Karachi the largest and the most populace city of Pakistan, presents an interesting and colorful combination of the old and new. The narrow twisting lanes and alleys of the old city throb with life alongside wide roads and elegant modern building. Within the city, talented artisans with age-old skills produce handicrafts of exquisite beauty.

Karachi offers a variety of pleasant attractions, wide sunny beaches deep-sea fishing. Yachting, golf and horseracing, all year round. Its restaurants cater to a wide choice of Pakistani and Western cuisines. Its markets and bazaars offer an endless variety of exciting shopping, including indigenous handicrafts. Particularly rugs and carpets of rare designs and beauty.

Karachi?s recorded history goes back to the 18th century when its was a small fishing village known as Kalachi-jo-Goth. With the development of its harbor it gradually grew into a large city and an important center of trade and industry. Its selection as the capital of Pakistan in 1947 added to its importance and accelerated its growth and development. Though the seat of Government shifted to Islamabad, Karachi still remains the center of commerce and industry.

  • Language:
  • Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi,pushto, English

  • Phone Code:
    • 021
  • Climate:
    • Usually Karach has a normal temperature of about 34 to 35 in summers at day , and very pleasant in nights due to the wind which blow from the sea .
  • Activities / Interests:
    • Parks, Garden, Beaches
  • Shrines:
    • Tomb of Shah Abdul Latif
  • Best Time To Visit:
    • January


This white marble Mausoleum with its curved Moorish arches and copper grills resets on an elevated 54 sq. meters platform. The cool inner sanctum reflects the green of a four-tiered crystal chandelier gifted by the peoples Republic of China.

The memorial slab framed with silver railings dawns people from far and wide who come to pay their respects to the father of the Nation and to watch the impressive changing of guard?s ceremony that takes place everyday. Today the Quaid-e-Azam`s Mausoleum is a prominent and impressive landmark of Karachi. Nearby are the graves of the ?Quaid-e-Millat?. Liaqat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan and the Quaid`s sister, Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah.


Pakistani food is rich, spiced and delicately flavored. Favorite dishes are chicken meat and vegetable curries, pulao (rice cooked with meat) , seekh kebab and tikka kebab (minced meat or meat pieces grilled on skewers).


Boating in Karachi is a pleasant experience. A catch of crabs and fish, is cooked and served aboard the boat by the crew. Bunder boats are available at Keamari and if required, the crew provides the bait as well as facilities for deep-sea fishing, but they must be arranged in advance. Prices should always be negotiated and fixed beforehand. On a moonlight night it is treat to sail up the sheltered harbor from Kemari to Sandspit.


Just off the National Highway, 271/2 Kms. (17 miles) from Karachi is Chaukundi. This is the site of graveyards that date back to the 16th to 18th centuries. The sandstone covers of these graves are exquisitely carved in relief with intricate motifs. The tomb slabs of women?s graves are embellished with designs of jewellery, necklaces, earrings and rings while those of men bear horse-and-rider motifs as well as floral and abstract designs.

City geographic coordinates are 24°51′ N 67°02′ E. Most of the land consists of flat or rolling plains, with hills on the western and ManoraIsland and the Oyster Rocks. The Arabian Sea beach lines the southern coastline of Karachi. Mangroves and creeks of the Indus deltacan be found toward the southeast side of the city.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Artificial Life

Artificial Life!

Artificial Life!

  1. What is Artificial Life?


The study of life and living systems has historically been dominated by the study of organic (carbon-based) organisms as they are found on one isolated planet in a vast universe of possibilities. This study is largely contained within the field of biology, which applies a top-down approach-essentially taking apart existing living systems to discover the essential elements. Because the number and variety of living systems available for study is strictly limited, biology has some inherent weaknesses.

The biological approach can be compared to an attempt to learn the principles of painting by studying the works found in a single museum or created by a single artist. While such an approach will surely yield many valuable insights, it is unlikely that we can learn all that there is to know about the subject of painting in this manner. In the same way that a deeper understanding of painting can be gained by attempting to create your own works, those within the discipline of A-Life seek to better understand life and living systems through the simulation and synthesis of natural living systems. "[R]ather than studying biological phenomena by taking apart living organisms to see how they work, one attempts to put together systems that behave like living organisms

Emergence of A-Life as a Discipline

The term "artificial life" was coined in the late 1980s by researcher Christopher Langton, who defined it as "the study of artificial systems that exhibit behavior characteristic of natural living systems. It is the quest to explain life in any of its possible manifestations, without restriction to the particular examples that have evolved on earth... the ultimate goal is to extract the logical form of living systems."

Probably the first person to actively study and write on topics related to A-Life was the noted mathematician John Von Neumann, who was also an early figure in the field of game theory. In the middle of the 20th century, Von Neumann delivered a paper entitled "The General and Logical Theory of Automata," in which he discussed the concept of a machine that follows simple rules and reacts to information in its environment. Von Neumann proposed that living organisms are just such machines. He also studied the concept of machine self-replication, and conceived the idea that a self-replicating machine, or organism, must contain within itself a list of instructions for producing a copy of itself. This was several years before James Watson and Francis Crick, with the help of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins, discovered the structure of DNA.

The first real exposure of A-Life concepts to the general public came through the "Mathematical Games" column in Scientific American magazine. In the 1960s a professor named John Conway devised a simple cellular automaton (CA) that he called the Game of Life. Conway's CA was simple enough for just about anyone to understand and "play" with, but it exhibited amazingly complex and life-like behavior.

Artificial Life vs. Artificial Intelligence


n order to begin an exploration into the world of Artificial Life Programming, it helps to start with a vision of what it is. Of equal importance to the nature and purpose of A-Life is how it differs from Artificial Intelligence.

According to the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID):

Artificial Life does overlap with Artificial Intelligence but the two areas are very different in their approach and history. Artificial Life is concerned with specific life-oriented algorithms such as genetic algorithms which can mimic nature and its laws and therefore relates more to biology, whereas Artificial Intelligence tends to look at how human intelligence can be replicated, therefore relating more to psychology

Artificial Life History and Resources

If you are new to this subject, or want to learn more about A-Life or A-Life research, we offer a broad range of resources: links to A-Life organizations, publications and a list of related books and films. In addition, we offer a historical overview of this growing discipline, look at how A-Life experts themselves view this unique discipline and illuminate jobs in the field.

Open problems in A Life
How does life arise from the nonliving?
  • Generate a molecular proto-organism in vitro.
  • Achieve the transition to life in an artificial chemistry in silico.
  • Determine whether fundamentally novel living organizations can exist.
  • Simulate a unicellular organism over its entire life cycle.
  • Explain how rules and symbols are generated from physical dynamics in living systems.

What are the potentials and limits of living systems?
  • Determine what is inevitable in the open-ended evolution of life.
  • Determine minimal conditions for evolutionary transitions from specific to generic response systems.
  • Create a formal framework for synthesizing dynamical hierarchies at all scales.
  • Determine the predictability of evolutionary consequences of manipulating organisms and ecosystems.
  • Develop a theory of information processing, information flow, and information generation for evolving systems.

How is life related to mind, machines, and culture?
  • Demonstrate the emergence of intelligence and mind in an artificial living system.
  • Evaluate the influence of machines on the next major evolutionary transition of life.
  • Provide a quantitative model of the interplay between cultural and biological evolution.
  • Establish ethical principles for artificial life.

    Saturday 30 April 2016

    Life Stages

    Financial Life

    What is finance?
    • the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
    • provide funding for (a person or enterprise).

    Finance Current Topics

    1 Pursuing Education

     Designed to help you learn everything you need to know about life as a student. Get information about student loans, budgeting and credit.

    Building A Career

     Arm yourself with knowledge crucial for your career growth or learn everything about running your own business.


    Life As A Couple

     Looking to settle down? Get information on starting your new life together such as purchasing your first home, budgeting or saving for your future.

    Family Life 

    Ease the financial burdens of raising a family by learning about reducing household debt, family budgeting, insurance and more.
    Enjoying Retirement 

    You’ll find answers to many of the common questions retirees have around withdrawing retirement funds, budgets and assessing insurance needs.

    Friday 29 April 2016

    About Corruption


    We Introduce about the Corruption in Pakistan!


    corruption is a curse of india and amongst  muslims ,especially the so-called 
    educated and intelligentsia .unfortunately,it is this class that is selfish and morally and intellectually corrupt. No doupt this disease is common,but amongst this particular class of muslims it is rampant


    1. what is corruption?

    It would be very convenient if we could start off with a neat definition of corruption and proceed to spend the rest of the book looking at actual examples in some detail. But corruption, like many other forms of behaviour when placed under the scrutiny of the social science lens, proves to be an elusive and complex phenomenon: in fact the more one examines it the more difficult it becomes to separate corruption from other forms of social exchange. The task of definition is not made easier by the fact that corruption, by its very nature, is inseparable from questions of public morality and morality in general. This has sometimes excited a tendency to condemn which has impeded objective analysis. It is perhaps not surprising, therefore, that some writers whilst dealing with the phenomenon in some detail have deliberately avoided defining it (see, for example, Williams, 1987). My feeling, however, is that an attempt at definition should be made not simply out of the primordial academic need to demarcate, to classify or to pigeon-hole, but because, I suggest, the enterprise itself helps us to tease out the essential characteristics of the phenomenon under discussion.

       2.   Corruption who?

    Everyone who participates in the state's political system is inevitably corrupted by it, or so it would seem. How else could a judge say with impunity that wine and women couldn't be seen as cor-rupative influence since they didn't involve monetary benefit. 

       3.     Civilization & corruption.

    sir: refer to the article 'corruption is everywhere' PAKISTAN was once known around the world for its honesty and humanity, and when there were no lawyers and judiciary around, people were still swearing in by the name of sun and moon who were regarded as Gods. but now when people have become more civilized, they have scant respect for honesty and humanity, and crime and criminals rule the roost. isn't it strange?

        4.   Corruption in Pakistan.
    Corruption is a poison which has been spread in the mind of wrong people of the society, community and country. It is the mistreatment of public resources just for getting some unfair advantage to fulfil little wish. It is concerned with the unnecessary and wrong use of both power and position by anyone whether in the government or non-government organization. It has affected the growth of the individual as we well as the nation and reduces income. It is a big reason of inequalities in the society and community. It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects like socially, economically and politically.

    In this scenario, there is no room for cooperation, fair play and justice. It is all about who is better ,powerful, influential and dominating than the others and also about how you use your advantages to subdue your opponent by talking away his or her assets.
    While addressing to the constituent assembly of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam said,

    “One of the biggest curses from which India is suffering is bribery and corruption that really is a poison. We must put that down with an iron hand”.

    His words were not directed at any particular group. He foresaw corruption as a deadly virus, a poison which could sap the very foundation of a state and lay it open to all kinds of dangers.
    According to Navak,

    “Acquiring power is the purpose of corruption, since power is needed to prevail over other persons. When succeeding, power is acquired, and its desirability causes the behaviour to be repeated”.

    The major reason of fast creeping corruption are political instability, poverty, unequal structure of society, unemployment, lack of accountability, weak political institutions and absence of rule of law. Resultant they are affecting political stability, equal distribution of resources and power, confidence of local and foreign investors and political institutions.
    It is pity that we are working without effective planning. Whole of the society is running aimlessly with no destination or target in view. In the process, everyone picks whatever he finds on his way. It is also one of major reason of backwardness. If we want to kill corruption at grass root level, we will have to cap those cavities where the virus of corruption nourished. If we confine ourselves to the systems alone, we will, at the most, be applying cosmetic treatment. It merely touches the tip of the iceberg. For a more lasting solution we will have to adopt effective measures to check corruption. Some of them (given below) can be helpful in reducing it if not uprooting it.
    1. People should be made aware of their rights. By providing general awareness to the masses, the chances of grabbing money from the people lowers to the minimum.
    2. Institutions should be made strong for proper working of the democratic system.
    3. Proper system of accountability and check and balance should be implemented.
    4. Red tapism is the major cause of corruption and e-governance is the best solution for this solving this problem.
    5. Anti-social activities should be condemned and resisted.
    6. Justice delayed is justice denied. In time justice can minimize corruption practices,
    7. Salaries and wages should be increased in order to decrease the chances of corruption.
    8. The unemployed class should be provided jobs and recruited purely on merit.
    9. Education system must be revised and improved according to national needs.
    10. Stable governments are essential to prevail justice and to uproot corruption.
    It is multi-faceted problem so it should be countered on all possible fronts with sincerity. We must reform ourselves. Only proper planning and strictly implemented policies with public support can put halt to this growing menace