Tuesday 3 May 2016

Our Society


Q-What is Society?      


1-   The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.      

2-   An organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity.         

  Improving Locally
Volunteer. Volunteering with a local charity is a great way to improve the world around you. You'll be able to do the most direct good and see the impact on the people that you help. If you have a practical skill or can learn one, or evening volunteering at the Humane Society in your local neighborhood. using that skill will offer the most good (skills like construction or medicine are good examples).
  • Tutor disadvantaged kids
  • Work at a local soup kitchen
  • Work with a charity like Habitat for Humanity.

Reduce your impact. Another way to really make the world a better place is to reduce the negative impact you have on the world around you. Being good stewards of the world has a significant and positive impact on your environment and helps to preserve the planet for the next generation.
  • Be consistent about recycling.
  • Reduce the waste you produce and compost.
  • Conserve water and grow some of your own food.
  • If you really want to help your local environment, buy and install solar panels for your home and switch to public transit, a bike, or an electric vehicle.
Be civically engaged. Exercise your right to vote. Bad politicians and policies can have an incredibly negative impact on your community and your environment. By not voting and letting your voice be heard, you are allowing opportunity for bad policy to rule. Be engaged in your city, states, and country by voting and talking with the politicians you support, as well as educating others on important issues.

Make a statement with what you buy. With companies, your money talks....so shout as loud as you can! Don't buy products that harm animals or from companies that use abusive tactics with their animals. Whenever you can, buy local products that support the people around you and your local economy. When a company makes poor choices that negatively affect people, stop buying their products.
  • Always, always feel free to contact companies to let them know what you're doing and why! Some, not all, businesses actually care about what their customers want. They'll never know how to change if people don't tell them.

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